This July, Artereal Gallery is excited to unveil a mesmerising new body of paintings by Sydney-based emerging artist Kerrie Satava. Having graduated from the National Art School at the end of 2022, this online show marks the artist’s first solo exhibition in a commercial gallery context and presents the work of an artist whose practice continues to grow from strength to strength.
As an artist Satava possess the rare ability to surrender to her unconscious – which is then mined for inspiration and becomes a leading source of direction in the creation of her paintings. Through sketching, transparent layering and deliberate erasure, Satava’s works at once reveal what came before whilst also hinting at what is to come.
In the artist’s own words: “I find that there is an interesting conversation that occurs between the tissue-paper thin transparent paint and the very thick raw canvas. Something that is often barely there and something that is very much there. Through translucent layers, you can see the moves and decisions I have made as an artist. Each painting tells the story of its own creation.”
Predicated on an interest in capturing the slippery and ephemeral nature of time, Satava embraces chance and surprise, transience and improvisation, all of which play a big part in the artist’s process.
Satava elaborates: “My work is about time and space. I am always seeking to convey the feeling of transience and imperfection we experience as things change over time and as we travel through time. My work captures the constant need to surrender control and embrace the unexpected. It is about the outer self, but more importantly it is about the inner self and making the invisible visible.”
Subtle and ethereal, her soft colours seem to slowly materialise upon the canvas – magically shimmering into life. Defined by confident yet subtle mark making, with the absence of paint often playing as strong a role as its presence, Satava’s artworks seemingly hovering between a state of flux and completion.
Bewitching. Dazzling. Ethereal.
Experience Kerrie Satava.
Experience. Artereal.